Bobbingworth: A 560m2, surface flow reed bed treating 30m3/d of iron loaded landfill leachate 

A horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland treating the wastewater from a housing scheme in the tropical island of Mayotte 

  • Adapted „French system“ for a nursing home, Hogar de Ancianos Sta. Ana y San Joaquín y Asociación Ayuda Me Perú
  • All treated wastewater is reused for irrigation of agricultural used area
  • The 2 staged wetland system treats the domestic effluent of 55 residents and employees
  • The pre-treatment is carried out on the surface of an planted, vertical flowed gravel bed wetland with 2 charging points, used alternately (2 and 2 days)
  • The post-treatment is carried out in an planted vertical flowed sand bed wetland with 4 divisions to maintain always the biologically activity in all parts of the wetland

Design, Construction and Operation and mantainmance by Rotaria del Perú, online monitoring by SCADAweb

Allenwiller : a 1700 m², vertical flow reed bed (French system) plus a 960 m² second stage unsaturated vertical flow reed bed filter, treating 495 m3/d of domestic effluent from three villages (1100 PE) in Alsace.

2-stage Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland for the treatment of raw domestic sewage (French system) for 1360 people-equivalent adapted to the local resources and climate with UV tertiary treatment.

Earls Colne: Two 800m2 vertical flow reed beds operated alternately to treat 1,168m3/d of tertiary sewage waste water.

Seefood processing plant where the wastewater from cleaning fish and shellfish is treated in a VF wetland planted with papyrus.

The effluent is reused after ozonisation in the plant.

Aerated wetland 1,650 m² for treatment of fruit peeling company.

Full scale pilot plant treating CSO overflow in the Greater Lyon area.