Large treatment wetland in the northwest of France, near the city of Le Mans, treating 4000 PE and also large amounts of storm and drainage water. Zero surface water discharge in summer.
Saint Bonnet le Froid : a 900 m², vertical flow reed bed (French system) plus a 600 m² second stage unsaturated vertical flow red bed for the treatment of domestic effluent from a village with variable population.
Two stage vertical flow wetland with recirculation. The system treats the wastewater from the ecological office building. The treated wastewater is reused for toilet flushing.
Saint Germain sur Ille : a 500 PE waste stabilization pond boosted to 900 PE by addition of reed bed filters with high standards for phosphorus and total nitrogen removal.
Balhall: A two stage, 185 m2,Aerated saturated vertical flow reed bed system treating 5 m3/d of settled, secondary sewage.
Segonzac wastewater treatment plant for domestic sewage - Capacity 1600 people equivalent. In the shape of snail, emblem of the village. Design : Epur Nature. 2014
Vertical flow constructed wetland, treating domestic wastewater from 2 streets in the rural area around Aalter, Belgium
Vertical flow reed bed filter (French system) followed by a trickling filter and a treatment with apatite treat the pollution of raw domestic sewage. Capacity : 1500 p.e. Vegetated effluent discharge area before final reject into the small river "Merderic".
Saint Sulpice la Foret : a 1000 PE waste stabilization pond boosted to 1950 PE by addition of reed bed filters. A 2,400 m², vertical flow reed bed (French system), a 1,950 m² second stage vertical flow, unsaturated plus a 10,000 m² of willow plantation and a 5,000 m² pond treating 400 m3/d of domestic effluent.