Saint Germain sur Ille : a 500 PE waste stabilization pond boosted to 900 PE by addition of reed bed filters with high standards for phosphorus and total nitrogen removal.

The Orhei Constructed Wetland treatment plant, the biggest secondary treatment entirely based on CWs in the world

Two stage vertical flow wetland with recirculation. The system treats the wastewater from the ecological office building. The treated wastewater is reused for toilet flushing.

A 10 years old CW multistage system (5 stages: Imhoff+HF+VF+HF+FWS) treating the municipal wastewater for a town of 3500 inhabitants.

Albondon (600 PE) : the first "French system" in Spain, designed and build in 2005 by AKUT and SINT treats the waste water of a town in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada

Corsendonk Featured

Aerated wetland at hotel/conference center.

Saint Bonnet le Froid : a 900 m², vertical flow reed bed (French system) plus a 600 m² second stage unsaturated vertical flow red bed for the treatment of  domestic effluent from a village with variable population.

One of the largest and most efficient wastewater treatment plant with french system reed bed filter in France.

Nominal capacity : 4000 p.e. with an extension to 6000 p.e. 

Recirculated vertical flow French system for 800 p.e. with polishing in a "natural" horizontal flow wetland 

Vertical flow wetland, 75 PE for an ecological housing project in Arnhem, the Netherlands.

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