Hollange : a 432 m², vertical flow reed bed (French system) plus a 288 m² second stage unsaturated vertical flow filter, and a 1200 m² vegetated polishing zone treating 102 m3/d of domestic effluent.

Full scale pilot plant treating CSO overflow in the Greater Lyon area.

Client: Nakskov Municipality

Location: Nakskov, Denmark

Established: 1990

Number of basins: 10

Sludge type:Activated sludge

Sludge volume: 870 DS/year

PE, amount: 33,000

Intensified (aerated) wetland for wastewater treatment of 800 employees at the administrative center of a mining company, situated near Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Conception: 2 Septic Tanks for pre-treatment, aerated wetland as main treatment and horizontal flow constructed wetland post treatment.  

Wetland project and execution by Rotária do Brasil, Landscaping only execution by Rotária do Brasil.


Aerated wetland at nursery home in Belgium

At Escurolles, in central France (Allier), a reed bed fed with raw sewage assures primary and secondary treatment for 705 PE , followed by a tricking filter for polishing and nitrification 

French VF+ HF + FWS treatment plant for treating the wastewater produced by the winery

In 2001, IRIDRA managed the design of a constructed wetlands system for the wine-producing firm “Tenuta dell’Ornellaia”, Leghorn, Italy. The system consists of vertical flow constructed wetlands (SFS-v) as a first stage followed by a second SFS-h stage with recirculation to the first stage and then by a single FWS. It treats wastewater from the firm, which allows water to be reused for irrigation

Saint Sulpice la Foret : a 1000 PE waste stabilization pond boosted to 1950 PE by addition of reed bed filters. A 2,400 m², vertical flow reed bed (French system), a 1,950 m² second stage vertical flow, unsaturated plus a 10,000 m² of willow plantation and a 5,000 m² pond treating 400 m3/d of domestic effluent.

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