The two stage reed bed system at Aumont (500 PE), in the French Jura mountains meets stringent discharge standards in phosphorous removal through a third stage filtration with reactive media

Two vertical flow wetlands. One is a circulation system treating the pond water. The other treats the wastewater from the outside toilets

Large treatment wetland in the northwest of France, near the city of Le Mans,  treating 4000 PE and also large amounts of storm and drainage water. Zero surface water discharge in summer. 

A 11000 m2 artificial pond and 2600 m2 reed bed filters were created for the storage and treatment of stormwater and runoff from Servier pharmaceutical Laboratories site in Gidy. Designed to be able to treat once-a-century rainfall. Capacity : 12000 m3. Design : Epur Nature. Established : 2014.

Bezannes : a 8000 m² artificial pond plus 3500 m² of reed bed filters and 1600 m² of wetlands were created to treat stormwater runoff from a large non-residential area.

Two constructed wetlands at Warsco Genk treat the run-off from 1 ha pavement and the cleaning water from a washing street for temporary units.

Corsendonk Featured

Aerated wetland at hotel/conference center.

Full scale pilot plant treating CSO overflow in the Greater Lyon area.

Aerated wetland for a hotel in Antwerp, Belgium