Aerated wetland treating waste water from a small cheesery and dairy farm

Saint Sulpice la Foret : a 1000 PE waste stabilization pond boosted to 1950 PE by addition of reed bed filters. A 2,400 m², vertical flow reed bed (French system), a 1,950 m² second stage vertical flow, unsaturated plus a 10,000 m² of willow plantation and a 5,000 m² pond treating 400 m3/d of domestic effluent.

Seefood processing plant where the wastewater from cleaning fish and shellfish is treated in a VF wetland planted with papyrus.

The effluent is reused after ozonisation in the plant.

Vertical flow constructed wetland, treating domestic wastewater from 2 streets in the rural area around Aalter, Belgium

An educational wetland of 30 PE treating the sanitary wastewater of a toilet building.

Segonzac wastewater treatment plant for domestic sewage - Capacity 1600 people equivalent. In the shape of snail, emblem of the village.  Design : Epur Nature. 2014

Dufftown: An 800m2 surface flow reed bed, treating 650 m3/d of copper contaminated effluent from three distilleries.

Two constructed wetlands at Warsco Genk treat the run-off from 1 ha pavement and the cleaning water from a washing street for temporary units.

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