Client: Northumbrian Water
Location: Hanningfield, UK
Established: 2012
Project period: 2010-2012
Number of basins: 16
Sludge type: Water works sludge
Sludge production: 1,275 tonnes DS/year
PE, amount: 1.5 - 2.0 million
Construction costs: approxiamtely 6 million £

Vertical flow constructed wetland, treating domestic wastewater from 2 streets in the rural area around Aalter, Belgium

Full scale pilot plant treating CSO overflow in the Greater Lyon area.

The Orhei Constructed Wetland treatment plant, the biggest secondary treatment entirely based on CWs in the world

Aerated wetland 1,650 m² for treatment of fruit peeling company.

Earls Colne: Two 800m2 vertical flow reed beds operated alternately to treat 1,168m3/d of tertiary sewage waste water.

Balhall: A two stage, 185 m2,Aerated saturated vertical flow reed bed system treating 5 m3/d of settled, secondary sewage.

Client: Haslev Municipality
Location: Haslev, Denmark
Number of basins: 8
Sludge type: Active
Sludge volume per year: 500 tonnes DS/year
PE, amount: 8,000

Albondon (600 PE) : the first "French system" in Spain, designed and build in 2005 by AKUT and SINT treats the waste water of a town in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada

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