Aerated wetland treating waste water from a small cheesery and dairy farm

Teeside: A 1000 m2, 3 stage passive vertical flow reed bed system, treating run off from an international airport fire fighting training facility.

Two constructed wetlands at Warsco Genk treat the run-off from 1 ha pavement and the cleaning water from a washing street for temporary units.

Aerated wetland 1,650 m² for treatment of fruit peeling company.

Dufftown: An 800m2 surface flow reed bed, treating 650 m3/d of copper contaminated effluent from three distilleries.

Mayfield: A 2.1 hectare, 12  bed aerated horizontal system treating airport run off contaminated with glycol based antifreeze.

Peterborough: A 2,570m2 Horizontal sub-surface flow reed bed treating hydrocarbon loaded run-ff with peak flows of 1,420 m3/day.

Aldbrough: A 210 m2, vertical flow bed, treating 14 m3/d of methanol loaded industrial effluent from a gas storage plant.

This wetland was built for groundwater remediation on the site of a former oil refinery at the State University of New York's Wellsville campus 2008

Seefood processing plant where the wastewater from cleaning fish and shellfish is treated in a VF wetland planted with papyrus.

The effluent is reused after ozonisation in the plant.