Yaxley: A three stage system comprising lagoon with floating reed beds, surface flow horizontal and sub surface flow horizontal to treat 170 m3/d of vegetable wash water.

"Zero Emission" would be the general goal for sustainability. Especially for industrial production. Tertiary treatment with constructed wetlands may be a proper solution for closing the loop. The new treatment wetland at Changshu Advanced Materials Industrial Park, Haiyu Town, Jiangsu Province, China, is not only reclaiming water. It is a stepping stone for humans searching nature and for endangered species within a widely industrialized zone. Designed as a beautiful park it provides recreational functions and serves as buffer stripe between chemical industries and urban areas.

The wetland visitor center with its terraces on the roof and near the water level reveals a stunning new perspective. Intersted visitors will be given looks inside of the wetland when entering the exhibition on the first floor. Accomplished with a water laboratory and wetland control room the Changshu AMIP wetland center is a perfect place for training and dissemination of environmental solutions.


Treatment of aerobically stabilized sewage sludge from an activated sludge plant (“extended aeration”) – 13 000 p.e.

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Aerated wetland at hotel/conference center.

Septage treatment plant of Nègrepelisse with reed bed filters and reuse of the treated leachates to irrigate a Short Rotation Coppice. Capacity : 3500 septic tanks or 11000 m3/year equivalent to 131 T of SS/year. Designed and built by Epur Natur.

Aldbrough: A 210 m2, vertical flow bed, treating 14 m3/d of methanol loaded industrial effluent from a gas storage plant.

Llanfair PG: A 440 m2, vertical flow reed bed treating 55m3/d of domestic effluent from a residential education centre.

2-stage vertical flow reed bed filter for the treatment of raw unsettled domestic sewage (French system). Capacity : 1200 People Equivalent. 

The Badboot in Antwerp. Treatment of sanitary wastewater combined with wastewater from the swimming pool filters. FBA-type (aerated).

Seefood processing plant where the wastewater from cleaning fish and shellfish is treated in a VF wetland planted with papyrus.

The effluent is reused after ozonisation in the plant.