- In operation since: 2013
- Designed by EPUR NATURE
- Type of wastewater treated: Domestic
- Hydraulic load: 105 m³/day
- Organic load (PE): 705 PE
- Organic design load (kg BOD/day): 42,3 kg BOD/day
- Location: Escurolles, Departement of Allier, France
- Client: Aumont
- Stage 1 type: French system
- Stage 1 surface area (m²): 840 m²
- Stage 2 type: trickling filter, unsaturated
- Stage 2 surface area (m²): 60 m²
- Needs:
Two stage reed bed filters fed with raw sewage have become very popular in France for the treatment of waste water in rural areas. However, they have a rather large footprint as far as surface area is concerned. In the case of Escurolles, available surface area was limited, so a more compact solution had to be found
- Solution:
The foot print of the plant was reduced in substituting the second stage reed bed though a recirculating trickling filter for polishing and nitrification.
- Benefits:
The advantage of r treatment of raw sewage and sludge in a French type reed bed could be maintained while making the system more compact