The school has 700 students and 300 personel. Additionally, the wetland treats the waste water from a daycare center with 150 - 200 people. The system is a two-stage aerated wetland where 2/3 of the surface area (first stage) is vertical flow, the second stage is horizontal subsurface flow.
Kristus Koning Brecht
Aerated wetland of 360 m², treating the sanitary waste water from an elementary school.
Additional Info
- In operation since: 2017
- Type of wastewater treated: Domestic, office/industry
- Hydraulic load: 25 m³/day
- Organic load (PE): 480 PE
- Location: Brecht, Belgium
- Stage 1 type: FBA vertical flow
- Stage 1 surface area (m²): 240
- Stage 2 type: FBA horizontal flow
- Stage 2 surface area (m²): 120
Published in
Municipal wastewater
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