Bauduen : a 2-stage Vertical FLow reed bed filter (French Design) for the treatment of domestic effluent from a village with variable population. A UV tertiary treatment ensures pathogens removal for protection of the bathing area in the lake downstream.
Bauduen 4000 PE
Additional Info
- In operation since: 2014
- Type of wastewater treated: Domestic
- Hydraulic load: 600 m³/day
- Organic load (PE): 250-4000 PE
- Organic design load (kg BOD/day): 240
- Location: Bauduen, Var -France
- Client: Municipality
- Stage 1 type: French system
- Stage 1 surface area (m²): 2400
- Stage 2 type: Vertical flow, unsaturated
- Stage 2 surface area (m²): 1600
- Stage 3 type: Other
- Stage 3 surface area (m²): 2400
Efficient and reliable treatment system for a village with high population fluctuation between winter -250 PE- and summer time -up to 4000 PE. Looking for high level of treatment to protect the nearby lake and its bathing area.
2 VF reed bed filters, recirculation on the second stage, UV treatment for pathogens removal, polishing area of 2400 m2 with infiltration. Minimum outlet quality in concentration : BOD5 : 20 mg/l, COD : 90 mg/l, SS : 15 mg/l, TKN : 35 mg/l.
The reed bed system (French design) allows for a high quality of treatment during all seasons and is very tolerant to population and pollution load variations. Maintenance requirements are minimal compared to intensive solutions. This is a cost-effective solution with a good landscape integration which protects the lake renowned as one of the purest in France.
- Bauduen_2nd_stage.jpg (5985 Downloads)